
enhance: added ESLint ruler for CSS import

Pre-flight checklist

  • I have read the Contributing Guidelines on pull requests.
  • If this is a code change: I have written unit tests and/or added dogfooding pages to fully verify the new behavior.
  • If this is a new API or substantial change: the PR has an accompanying issue (closes #0000) and the maintainers have approved on my working plan.


In previous PR #7849, I found there is a bug when importing a CSS file after importing a type from @docusaurus/type.

At first, we (with the maintainer) are guessing the problem is caused by my system environment. But later I did a lot of checks, and came to realize that it's not.

In fact, the solution is rather simple, i.e. forcing CSS imported at last, with just one extra line configuration in .eslintrc.js file:

pattern: '*.css', // or '*.+(css|sass|less|scss|pcss|styl)' for general match
patternOptions: {matchBase: true},
group: 'unknown',
position: 'after',

You can get more info from the following references:

Other Solutions

I'd think it unnecessary although it may works well using an extra plugin of eslint-plugin-css-import-order.

Test (tested both in WebStorm and VSCode)

As mentioned from #7849, we can do a simple test.


  • grep -irE "import.*\.css" packages | cut -d ':' -f 1 | uniq can list all the files with css files imported.
  • the target type file is at packages/docusaurus-types/src/index.d.ts

Take the packages/docusaurus-theme-common/src/components/Details/index.tsx as an example, we can easily get the warning if we import types from @docusaurus/types before css file.

picture 2

However, if we omitted the imported default variable, then the warning would go away immediately (but would cause the later reference problems):

picture 3


The problem is indeed rather simple, i.e. the plugin of eslint-plugin-import has no default type check for file extensions, so:

grammargroup interpreated
import css from 'xx.css'internal
import css from './xx.css'sibling
import css from '../xx.css'parent
import '../xx.css'unknown(maybe)

Hence, in normal situation, those internal | sibling | parent would be ranked in front of type, except we explictly declaring the module order, just like what the former work has been done:

{pattern: '@theme/**', group: 'internal'},
{pattern: '@site/**', group: 'internal'},
{pattern: '@theme-init/**', group: 'internal'},
{pattern: '@theme-original/**', group: 'internal'},

All those variables, as well as types, would be intepreted before any css-like imports.

But then, not so lucky for those types imported from @docusaurus/types.

Other Problems

Also, if we do not rectify this problem, each time when we commited, the eslint fix would force the local files changed into like this, which is not expected:

import styles from './styles.module.css';

import type {Config} from '@docusaurus/types';
