
mac bugfix

FIXED: 每次启动clashX都会弹窗安装 Helper Tool

问题:clashx needs to install/update a helper tool with administrator privileges, otherwise clashx won't be able to configure system proxy.

原因:之前安装过其他版本的 clashX,导致其 Helper 程序在系统中有残余文件,这些文件迷惑了当前运行的 clashX 程序,在识别到无效之后弹窗提示你安装,但可能由于不是全新的安装所以每次安装几乎都是无效的。

解决办法:移除这些之前安装的 Helper 程序: cd /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools && sudo rm com.west2online.*

picture 1

  • 在移除之前,启动 clashX 会在接近半分钟时提示安装 Helper 程序,并且每次重启 clashX 都会重复该行为。另外,在这样的环境下,即使安装也不起作用,例如程序的 Enhance Mode 始终处于无法打开状态。
  • 移除之后,则为立即弹窗,输入验证后,重启不再有弹窗。


FIXED: adobe acrobat save-as blank


picture 5


  1. 【推荐】取消联网查询动作。反正我们也不用 adobe 的云 picture 4

  2. 登录账号,把联网打开(但因为我们使用了破解版,破解版的核心就是断掉 adobe 的联网功能从而阻止自动升级,所以我们是无法使用账号登录功能的)


FIXED: mac 静电问题


因此基于 MacBook 充电有静电是怎么回事,怎么消除… - Apple 社区,有以下几个办法:

  1. 【强烈推荐】使用加湿器(比如俺的 muji 喷雾器)
  2. 在手臂与电脑上用湿巾抹一抹

FIXED: date -d not work on Mac


using gdate rather than date on mac.

to do this, install coreutils first.

and a easier way is to use alias:

brew install coreutils
echo "alias date=gdate" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile


FIXED: /etc/sudoers file broken

Add R/W permission in Finder for yourself, and that's it.


FIXME: need double confirm/password when boot/restart mac

FAILED try of switching from List of Users to name and password

First, I reviewed an official discussion: Macbook boots twice every time it starts - Apple Community and it leads me to follow a possible resolution at Fix double login prompts on your Mac | MacIssues

It then suggests me to check my users & group preference, and I found there are an option list which allows me to switch between List of users(current) and Name and Password.

picture 22

I think this may be the reason (List of Users) that causes me to input twice my password, since the first one is for List of Users and the second one for me, which is mentioned in the article:

picture 23

I would give it a shot, and feedback later.

Oops, I failed since I need to input password twice and even with the username.

picture 1

So, I need to check back with the List of users option and then think about more.

another FAILED try of deleting old archive

Since I used to upgrade this computer once, and it kept my old archive under PreviousContent directory.

And I am surprised to find that the user avatars are different between my two-times login.

picture 2

So I guess the old archive may have influence on it, and I decided to remove that directory first.

another FAILED try of creating new user and then deleting the older user

follow: 每次重启以后都必须要输入两次密码,才能正常进入… - Apple 社区

picture 2

change the permission of other users.

picture 1

picture 1

And then login:

picture 1

But failed to find that there are still need to input double passwords and I still has no permission to disable the FileVault.

another PASSED try of decrypting volume

In here: Can't turn off FileVault (-69594) - Apple Community, it suggests to use diskutil apfs decryptVolume, which seems to be deserved to have a try.

However, I can't understand what's it.

final resolution based on reinstalling system

It suggests me to re-install system.

picture 5

And according to the phone call today to the Apple official IT support, they gave me those following instructions:


bashrc messy code

when using bash and see the messy code

It's because zsh is not equal to bash.

When I am using zsh, the errors would arise up when I try to do source ~/.bashrc.

The right way is to do source ~/.bashrc under bash env via exec bash, and the same to do source ~/.zshrc under zsh env via exec zsh.


when using bash and see the bash: git_prompt_info: command not found

picture 21

This is possibly because I have configured oh-my-zsh and then has influenced the bash with some colors missing.

Just put these codes into ~/.bashrc and make them effect:

# ~/.bashrc

function parse_git_branch () {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
PS1="$GREEN\u@\h$NO_COLOR:\w$YELLOW\$(parse_git_branch)$NO_COLOR\$ "
