

ipad air 5 64G 选购依据

产品对比官网: iPad Air (4th generation) vs iPad Air (5th generation) vs iPad Pro 11‑in. (3rd generation) - Apple

4 代和 4 代的差异主要体现在芯片上,我的电脑就是 intel,现在想试试 m1 芯片,所以 4 代不考虑了:

picture 6

ipad 上玩音乐创作还是一绝的,这种场景需要屏幕相对较大,所以不考虑 mini 的主要原因是这个:

picture 7


picture 9


  • 不选 mini 是因为屏幕太小,不适合艺术创作;
  • 不选 air 4 是因为芯片不是 m1;
  • 不选 pro 是因为性能过剩; 只选 64g 是因为家庭基于无线与外接硬盘已经足够;综上,air 5 64g 紫色这一款是满足我需求性价比最高的产品。


picture 8


trigger applescript within numbers


mac switch between hidden/minimized tabs

值得注意的是,mac 对 hidden 与 minimize 是两种不同的处理方式,当我们 minimize 一个程序的时候,我们是没法通过 command + tab 方式再次切换过去的,它几乎消失了。

如果我们想在 command+tab 中还能找到它,我们要用 command+Hidden 去隐藏,而非 command+Minimize 去最小化。

此话,我们还可以用 option+command+Hidden,去只显示当前窗口,而隐藏所有其他窗口,这非常方便可以看到桌面的样子。


mac 录屏

为什么 mac 录屏无法录制耳机(系统输出)

picture 23


mac dict config

how to disable iphone copy ...

picture 53


how to disable floating window after macOS screenshot

picture 1


mac file system management


position: ~/.Trash

open trash:

open ~/.Trash


远程控制 windows


add filepath into python path permanently

  1. we need to add path into $PYTHONPATH, instead of $PATH
  2. we should add into ~/.zshrc, as well as ~/.bashrc in case that running py under any circumstance.

evidence: picture 11


how to configure permanent environment variable?

I tried but to find only if I push A=xxx into .zshrc file can it work rather than into .bashrc which even causes to the garbled(乱码) output.

For example, I will use this:

echo "\nhjxh=/Users/mark/Documents/mark_projects/皇家小虎/HJXH/hjxh_express_match
zkj=\n" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

so I can see the tail of file changes into: picture 1

Can local dns set and work for chrome? [No, it can't]

But, I can still use the local DNS for terminal use, e.g, when I added zkj

picture 21

then I can DIRECTLY see the zkj as an alias of since my MacOS would help me do the right thing:

picture 22

Compared to export variable into PATH file, this method's best advantage is that I do not need to write a $ prefix and at the same time, the shortage is that it can only work for IP address while in PATH file I can define more variables.

However I can't let it work in the chrome, which seems a bit disappointing.


how to uninstall Microsoft AutoUpdate and microsoft worksuits

  1. locate the microsoft auto-update application

At this step, I used the Alfred to help me goto the target position, just enable the alfred search by start with a /.

picture 17
  1. quit its running process, and then delete it.

  2. deleting all the microsoft work suit, since they seem not helpful than the wps and the experience is rather terrible.


how to disable sudo password

see: https://jefftriplett.com/2022/enable-sudo-without-a-password-on-macos/

sudo visudo

change: %admin ALL = (ALL) ALL

to: %admin ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

re-login may need.

I did it in recovery mode on Ventura system, with shift + command + t to open hidden terminal, and executed the following:

mount -uw /
ln -s /Users /home

ls /home
# out: share

It's OKAY, but it won't after I rebooted.

ref: - unix - Mac OS X - How to Symlink /home to /Users - Ask Different