

  1. typeorm join table
  2. ✅ join using id(string) other than Entity
  3. ❌ join return flatted list other than nested
  4. typeorm not null constraint failed
  5. PASS: better-sqlite3 NODE_MODULE_VERSION mismatch | rebuild failed
  6. PASS: better-sqlite3 ReferenceError: better_sqlite3_1 is not defined, both jest and mocha
  7. mocha + ts + esm

typeorm join table

✅ join using id(string) other than Entity

I have checked a lot of typeorm documentation and relative discussion, but to find they all use an extra column to specify the table to join.

For example, int the case below, the key of user in Profile refers to User, and the key of profile in User refers to Profile.

# Entity Profile
import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, OneToOne} from "typeorm";
import {User} from "./User";

export class Profile {

id: number;

gender: string;

photo: string;

@OneToOne(() => User, user => user.profile) // specify inverse side as a second parameter
user: User;


# Entity User
import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, OneToOne, JoinColumn} from "typeorm";
import {Profile} from "./Profile";

export class User {

id: number;

name: string;

@OneToOne(() => Profile, profile => profile.user) // specify inverse side as a second parameter
profile: Profile;


However, in my own business scene, since I have two tables with the equal level and the same id property, it's redundant for me to specify an extra column named as erpId or trdId or foreignId or anything.

Besides, since the trd and the erp are saved into db not synchronously, the example listed on the documentation won't help to us.

Through my hard experiment and observation, I finally realized the join key is some kind of id (not real object) which means if only I specified the correct id, the join action then would be executed successfully.

That's it! Since we have already know the id of item to be join, which is directly the id of the item itself, then we can just let the id to be the joined key, like this:

# Entity Erp
import { Column, Entity, OneToOne, PrimaryColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { TrdModel } from './trd';

export class ErpModel {

@OneToOne(() => TrdModel, trd => trd.id)
id: string;


# Entity Trd
import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, OneToOne, PrimaryColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { ErpModel } from './erp';

export class TrdModel {
@OneToOne(() => ErpModel, erp=>erp.id )
id: string;

So I can use the following query to get a joined table:

// src/main/modules/queryDB/db.ts:40
// map erp into `id`, so `id` would go away
.leftJoinAndSelect('trd.id', 'erp')
picture 3
// map erp into `erp`, so `id` still existed
.manager.createQueryBuilder(TrdModel, 'trd')
.leftJoinAndMapOne('trd.erp', ErpModel, 'erp', 'erp.id = trd.id')
picture 6


❌ join return flatted list other than nested

It's sad to find that it is impossible in typeorm, which reminds me the beauty of pandas, lol.

picture 4

So I should manually add one map to help finish this conversion.

ref: I spent a lot of time and finally thought of the search key of flat!

typeorm not null constraint failed

This is because I added new table columns into former model.

picture 41

Since I do not know the source is , or unnecessary, I would like to delete the table first.

I tried to delete table but not found the choice but the dropDatabase(). picture 42

PASS: better-sqlite3 NODE_MODULE_VERSION mismatch | rebuild failed

picture 12picture 13

PASS: better-sqlite3 ReferenceError: better_sqlite3_1 is not defined, both jest and mocha

The author suggests us to use mocha: A more robust testing framework (such as mocha, the one used in the better-sqlite3 repository), does not cause such an issue.


mocha + ts + esm