

  1. prettier
    1. prettier plugin not work
    2. recommend prettier plugins
  2. eslint
    1. eslint google or standard
  3. tailwindcss autocompletion
    1. enable tailwindcss autocompletion
    2. fasten tailwindcss autocompletion


prettier plugin not work

Check all the prettier packages, configs.

For Example, if the packages.json has a prettier key, then maybe it would have effect on the final result.

There is a list concluding the places prettier may exist:

  1. prettier.json, prettier.config.js, .prettierrc files under project root
  2. prettier key in packages.json
  3. prettier file in Webstorm or VSCode
  4. prettier config file in webpack
  5. prettier config in sub modules.
  6. prettier with eslint, typescript.

recommend prettier plugins

  1. sort import

  2. The plugin of prettier-plugin-sort-imports can help sort into groups according our preset regex. https://github.com/trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports


eslint google or standard

I usually think the google may be the best for me to lint my code quality. However, maybe I am too innocent.

After when I initialized my eslint using yarn run eslint --init, and chose the google standard eslint style, I suffered from a jsdoc comment eslint error which forced me to use Return rather than Returns as the return type keyword.

I searched the jetbrains and eslint official website and shocked to found that they all use Returns rather than "google's" Return, which obviously means they have slightly different coding style and maybe have more.

Hence, as a newbie to the eslint, I 'gave up the road to the Google', and embraced the eslint standard, which won't force me to use Return rather than Returns.


Fine, the real reason is that WebStorm doesn't give me much choice to change the default jsdoc comment action, unless I add some hard-to-remember (usually more and more) eslint rules to suppress this error, which seems not worth it.

By the way, I almost forget why I mentioned the eslint for that the WebStorm keeps warning me the TypeError: this.cliEngineCtor is not a constructor, and I tried almost every way to change the package, the configuration file, and so on, but in vain.

Finally, I tried to search by the condition in the recent one year, and I came to the answer: THIS IS A BUG, AND IT WON'T APPEAR IF YOU UPGRADE UP TO VERSION 2021.2.


Easy but I am really so tied....

tailwindcss autocompletion

enable tailwindcss autocompletion

It sucks!

It costed me almost all night to solve it just by yarn add -D tailwindcss@2.0.1-compat according to this feedback: - Tailwind class completion doesn't work with version "npm:@tailwindcss/postcss7-compat@2.2.4" : WEB-51405

I want to cry ... How deep I love WebStorm is even when the VSCode can run tailwindcss so well!

fasten tailwindcss autocompletion

just open my activity monitor and close a bit of applications those of who is CPU large-occupied (e.g. PyCharm), then the autocompletion boost into fly !

That means, I am always wondering if the antd is dragging my IDE's leg, in fact, it doesn't if only my PC keeps running under a healthy pressure.